Stewards Jacket Request Form
This form is customized especially for
If this is not you, do not complete this form!
If you have served for at least five continuous years as a steward with SEIU Local 503, you are eligible to receive a Super Steward Jacket. **PLEASE NOTE** Jacket orders are placed once we have received at least 5 orders. Please have patience as it may take a couple of months to receive your jacket.
First Name OR Nickname (not both, please!)
please do not include middle name or initial
Last Name
Home email
Cell Phone
†By providing my phone number, I understand that the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), its local unions, and affiliates may use automated calling technologies and/or text message me on my cellular phone on a periodic basis. SEIU will never charge for text message alerts. Carrier message and data rates may apply to such alerts. Reply STOP to stop receiving messages; reply HELP for more information.
Please confirm when you started as a Steward (MM/DD/YY). Estimate of start date is fine.
Jacket Status
Please select...
Requested by Steward
The Stewards Jacket is a black jacket that is a straight style, (not fitted). It is not gathered at the bottom.
What Size Stewards Jacket are you requesting?
Please select...
How do you want your name embroidered on the front of the jacket?
Contact Information